
About Us


G2G was founded by Jaggy Singh along with like-minded individuals who desired to see a tangible change in lives of people and communities, worldwide and in rural Tanzania specifically, where the vision was birthed. We work with communities to promote socio-economic development, enhancing holistic human development.

We devotedly serve all people irrespective of religion, ethnicity, nationality, social/economic status or disability as we believe all mankind is created in God’s Image. Since G2G was founded, we have touched numerous lives by implementing various activities. We passionately demonstrate the love of Christ in our lives and work. G2G is a registered Faith Based Organization (FBO) in Tanzania with registration number: Reg. Certificate: #3045 of Jan 27th, 2006. TIN: #106-549- 257 of March 18th, 2008

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Our Vision

G2G’s vision is a world of liberty, peace, prosperity, justice and equality in which human suffering is alleviated holistically; basic needs are met and rights are respected.

Our Mission

G2G seeks to achieve its vision by impacting the lives of people and the communities we serve; Serving people with a consistency to make a positive, productive and progressive transformation in their lives. We work with local communities to make consistent transformation in the lives of people we interact with, by equipping and enabling the work by community engagement holistically in every area of their lives.
We strive to assist the people to overcome poverty and its effects by addressing the root causes and working for sociocultural, and economic independence and self-reliance by supporting local development initiatives


We want to take people and people groups in the community we “SERVE”, from their current position (or circumstances) to a better position. Regardless of where they are in life intellectually, economically, professionally, emotionally, spiritually, etc., we want to SERVE them to an improved & empowered situation by providing quality services at justifiable cost. Regardless of how and on what level they interact with us, we want them to be better off after having interacted with us.

G2G's Call

As the needs of the most disadvantaged children in the world continue to grow, courageous individuals serving with G2G answer the call to become world changers. This process first began in my life over twenty years ago when I felt challenged to take action and do something to help desperately disadvantaged children.