Key areas of Work


G2G believes that education saves lives, build and transform communities, we are in 12 villages and 13 centers serving more than 900 kids. Our Vision is to reach 25,000 until 2032. With a great sense of urgency, G2G started ECDCE program (G2G-BCC), to solve the issues related to availability, accessibility, and affordability of preprimary education in village communities (Tanzania). Read More


G2G’s focus will be at all levels of health, but specific focus on Awareness, Prevention, and Promotion. Assistance shall be made available for Curative and Rehabilitation for we believe in a holistic approach. We specifically work with growing threat of infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases and malnutrition. As ill health and poverty are interlinked we will make sure that all our interventions are sustainable and result oriented. We envisage to work with government for policy issues, capacity development and health care financing.

Climate Change & Environment

G2G will promote afforestation and environment conservation by sharing knowledge and information and building awareness of alternative ways of income generation and energy sources in order to reduce the dependency on the forests. We will in all our initiatives incorporate clean energy.

Economic Empowerment

We work to enable and empower marginalized and disadvantaged groups to access a greater share of wealth. Our main interventions will be supporting small-scale businesses like poultry, dairy, income generation projects, model farm, handicrafts and others. We shall also promote agro-industries from local produce so that value is added to the agro-produce.

Rural Infrastructure Development

G2G believes that rural Infrastructure is critical to the development of sustainable communities. While the provision of housing, potable water and electricity are vital for meeting basic human needs, other services such as schools, transport and health care are important for ensuring the long-term satisfaction of residents. In combination, these infrastructure types create the framework within which residents can establish a locality-based community with opportunities for social and economic well-being.